
Start your journey to crypto success with Ledger.com/start. Explore essential tools and resources to safeguard your investments effectively.

What is Ledger.com/start Used For?

Ledger.com/start is the initial setup portal for users who have purchased a Ledger hardware wallet. This website guides users through the steps required to safely initialize their device, ensuring that their cryptocurrency assets are securely managed and stored. It provides detailed instructions and support for setting up new devices, from Ledger Nano S to Ledger Nano X.

Its Feature

  • Step-by-Step Setup Guide: Offers comprehensive instructions to help users set up their Ledger hardware wallet starting from unboxing to the completion of the setup process.

  • Security Practices: Teaches users about critical security practices, such as the importance of writing down and securely storing their recovery phrase.

  • Software Installation: Guides users on how to install and use Ledger Live, the companion app for managing cryptocurrencies.

  • Asset Management: Demonstrates how to send and receive different cryptocurrencies, ensuring users can manage their assets effectively.

  • Firmware Updates: Provides information on how to update the device firmware to ensure that the wallet remains secure and functional.

  • Support and Troubleshooting: Offers resources for additional help, including access to customer support and a library of troubleshooting articles.

Last updated